Pandemic Poetry

The content of this page was created during the first surge of the pandemic in Spring 2020.

All images were taken by a dear friend of mine. Please contact for more information.

Original poetry was in response of the first surge of COVID-19.

Pandemic Poetry, 2020 is a statement on the current Covid-19 pandemic and the effects it has on society, more specifically mental health. Images were taken in an abandoned park where the playground was taken over by caution tape and signs. The subject goes through an emotional journey to cope with the environment outside of her home, reading about mental health and writing poetry of prophecy. These show the isolation in nature as well as in the mental forms of artistic altruism. By showing these images they tell the narrative of the common reactions of people during isolation. Where the mind plays heavily when actions are minimal.

My Name…

When I first came to America I was just a rumor. 

I like to travel all the time, meeting new people and seeing many places.

But no one wanted to be around me...

They called me a flu or a common virus. 

I got angry, but that only made things worse. 

People started to die, everyone got scared and went away. 

No one likes me. 

Because my name is Coronavirus.

Unexpected Life

At first I didn’t believe it. Why would I want to? How could something like this happen?

I shrugged it off, like it wouldn’t affect me. Little do I know everything would be turned upside down.

All of a sudden everything was closing and I was sent home from work. 

All of my plans... discarded as if they no longer were important. 

Stuck at home when the most important transition of my life was starting. 

What do I do now?

I guess I'll do the best I can...


The world will fall until humanity learns its lesson. 

The first wave will be plague. To ravage those who are weak and scare the strong.

Next comes the hornets, to ravage the land of its nutrients. Causing hunger and shortage. Suffering to the poor.

They search for the cure when they should be searching for salvation. Poor humans... searching for the short term gain. 

This shall be your downfall. Greed will consume you...


Fall Exploration 2020


Humble Nature 2022