Back to Present
2018 Installation
Variable size
Back to Present was my first interactive experience with a group. The environments I had produced previous to this were to project the feeling and dialogue I wanted. This was a chance for people to bring themselves into the environment and view themselves. It didn’t matter whether it was in a gallery or a community space. For people to come into an environment of their own volition and participate allowed for more opportunities and the self to become present for others to see. In a way my work has been a performance. Back to Present was the performance and realization of the self. You don’t always have people that want to meditate on the floor. By removing this expectation of looking at an object or observing a space, people are no longer concerned with the spaces around them but the spaces they have brought with them. By giving my participants a space of experiencing I took away the action of observing and reflected it back to their own mindsets. I wanted them to feel instead of see. What they would take away from it would be what they bring to it. After, people could share what they experienced on the same level allowing dialogue to appear naturally with the self and those of others.