All I Give

2019 Installation

Variable Size

All I Give is a collection of geometric vessels placed in the middle of the room under dramatic spotlighting. The pieces represent all of the time and emotion I allocate to each aspect of my life. The largest piece in the center of the room symbolizes myself and my “spirit well” while the smaller pieces are collections of things in my life, for instance; family, relationships, sorrow, regret, personal growth etc. The pieces’ geometric shapes are meant to be different however, related together to create a single experience. Light is focused in the center of the room into the larger vessel creating shadows and reflected light from inside showing the spiritual power and light of the soul. Smaller vessels have added color to them not only to resemble what they specifically are in my life but the fact that they are different from each other. All pieces, especially the largest vessel, are filled with varying levels of water to indicate the time “poured” into each reflection of time and emotion given to each representation.




I am Proud