
2018 Installation

90” x 106” per sheet

My spiritual series consists of; Emotion, Immersion, and Awakening. These are represented as the umbrella stages of the spiritual path towards the inner self. My works have come from a place inside of not only myself, but from the turmoil other people experience. They bring a visual aspect to the inner struggles of life, so they may be known, understood, and recognized by all who gaze upon the object, or so-called sculpture. When looking at the sculptures and mediums used, my aim is to make it understandable even without a placeholder to start from. The biggest struggles in life are the ones experienced inside ourselves. Deep within the reach of words, thoughts, emotion, chaos, and understanding of the accepted faults of ourselves. This series may not be as dark as my previous works that focus on just one distress, but focuses on the path of something more. The theology which affected my series the most in shaping my view for the subject of religious and spiritual works, is the Buddhist path to enlightenment and self-awareness. 

When it comes to my work I think about what it means, what it would mean to bring that thought into the physical world. How it would feel and be perceived if the struggle was brought into reality. My subjects fall along the lines of conceptual however the actual objects that become of such an idea, are sensory. When people see my works they will see them as familiar, something frightening that they have been fighting with for so long. In seeing it for real they will no longer feel the struggle over the affliction. The inner struggles that no one hears, some often self inflicted. These works manifest in the form of physical materials that can, in some way, be interacted with. In my works there is involvement of a person or the audience. The hand made aspect allows it to be tangible and to be fought in reality, to be recognized and experienced.


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