
2018 Installation

72”x 72”x 60”

This work was displayed in an open format with low hanging high light creating a surrounding shadow as well as shadows of the form. The creation was made of steel large enough to contain an average sized woman in the fetal position. Overall the piece was dark and industrial in nature making the metal appear heavy with the light bearing down on the person inside. Heaviness of the piece was meant to create a weighted impact to provoke discomfort and entrapment. The message of the piece was being trapped inside of yourself where you suffer the most, trapped in your own shell wanting to break out but at the same time not wanting to leave. Steel allows the vessel to take form, the light allows it to focus on the form in front of you as if trapped in the site itself, and the body, the soul, that resides in the vessel. The body takes the fetal position as if in pain and the eyes covered to make sure no one is watching.

The vessel bears the weight of the body, in this case the soul. Conceptually the body carries the weight of everything that comes with inner turmoil, the inner struggles that we constantly go through in this life. This piece would be best placed in an open room with a low hanging spot light as if to emphasize the things you don’t see, pain you constantly feel but place it in the form of the physical world, the reality of having a body that undergoes so many challenges and pain. The worst place would be in a brightly lit area or even outside for this piece is meant to be in an open industrial space surrounded by nothing.



